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Win7 download folder location

Super User is a locarion and answer site for computer enthusiasts and power users. It only takes a minute to sign up. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. See the screenshot below:. If the above method doesn’t work or the Location tab is completely gone, and you’re not just looking in the wrong place. You may need to reset the Download folders registry link. Sign up to join здесь community.
The best answers are voted up and rise to the top. Stack Overflow for Teams — Start collaborating and sharing organizational knowledge. Create a free Team Why Teams? Learn more about Teams. Messed up my Downloads folder. How to get it back? Asked 8 взято отсюда, 9 months ago. Modified 8 years, 9 donwload ago. Viewed 7k times. Improve this question. Pedro77 Pedro77 1, 8 8 gold badges 30 30 silver badges 38 38 bronze badges.
Add a comment. Sorted by: Reset to default. Highest score default Date modified newest first Date created oldest first. Win7 download folder location – This will set the path back to default, as you see in the screenshot. Find Target See the win7 download folder location filder If the above method doesn’t work or the Location tab is completely gone, and you’re not just looking in the wrong place.
There are two locations that will need to be reset: and. Improve this answer. Michael Frank Michael Frank 7, 2 2 gold badges 38 38 silver badges win7 download folder location 51 bronze badges. As I said, the Location tab is gone. This is the problem. I can’t find it, actually, I think it does not exists anymore, since “shell:Downloads” results in error.
I’ve expanded my answer to include a screenshot of which icon to enter properties from. I can’t see if for some reason, hopefully you can.
Sorry, this is not http://replace.me/6531.txt solution, I found it at: superuser. Next time, mention that you deleted the folder. I will say that MichaelFrank did give an accurate answer, although there is an alternative when the tabs are not available, which it the answer you found.
Show 3 more comments. Not downllad answer you’re looking for? Win7 download folder location other questions tagged windows-7 user-folders or ask your own question. The Overflow Blog. Best practices to increase the speed for Next. Help us identify new roles for community members. Navigation and UI research starting soon. Linked 7. Related 0. Hot Network Questions. Accept all cookies Customize settings.
[windows 7 – Messed up my Downloads folder. How to get it back? – Super User
Click on the location tab · Click on the Move button · Select the new location for the Downloads folder · Click on ‘Apply’ button. · Click on OK. Open the Downloads folder, right click the Windows Explorer icon on the Taskbar, right click Downloads and click Pin to this list. The next time.
Move Downloads folder to new location in Windows 7
Click on the location tab · Click on the Move button · Select the new location for the Downloads folder · Click on ‘Apply’ button. · Click on OK. Open the Downloads folder, right click the Windows Explorer icon on the Taskbar, right click Downloads and click Pin to this list. The next time.
Win7 download folder location.Downloads folder (windows 7)
Right-click on it and choose Properties. So, I chose D: as my location to move it to, and now it just changed my entire drive to be the Downloads folder. Next post: Make outlook default email client. Previous post: View page source missing in Firefox tools.
Move Downloads folder to new location in Windows 7 on September 11, Moving Downloads from the default location would be required for the following reasons. Now back to feeding my computer its install files….. Reply Link. Me June 1, , pm. Harish December 5, , am. Mohamed March 29, , am. Pierre April 18, , pm. How do I move pictures from downloads to a new folder? AComputerTechnician May 23, , am. Duncan August 9, , pm. Best Wireless Earbuds. Best Smartwatches. Best Meta Quest 2 Accessories.
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Victrola Music Edition 2 Review. Choose where you want to search below Search Search the Community. Search the community and support articles Windows Windows 7 Search Community member. When I download a file, it is saved to my “downloads” folder. When I need to access the file, what I see in the Downloads folder depends on the path I take.
For instance, if I begin at the “start” button, then select my user account, then the downloads folder, I get a certain combination of files and folders showing in the window.
All the contents of both these “downloads” folders are recognisable to me as stuff that I have downloaded at some time, and mine is the only user account on this computer. To further confuse matters, after a download, if I click on “show all downloads” in the bottom right corner, then “open downloads folder” at top right, I get a window showing the contents of the first example above, but the filepath of the second.
Can anyone explain what is going on? By the way, I began with home computers in the days of DOS, before Windows, when a folder was a folder, and lived in one place, and had predictable contents, and could be found by working your way down the tree.
Call me old fashioned.
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