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Opc da automation wrapper 2.02 download

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The error is “There is a problem with this Windows Installer package. A program required for this install could not be run. Contact your support personnel or package vendor”. I have tried installing the OPC core components but the result is the same. I have tried it on a Windows 7 machine and a Windows server, with the same results.

Yes, I tried installing. I have tried running this on Windows 7, Windows 10 and Windows Server Given that VBA is still around, I wonder why the automation wrapper is not supported anymore. See this:. Thanks for your response, Carlos. Which operating system did you install this under? I am trying it in Windows 7, and the compatibility troubleshooter does not accept msi files.

I installed it in two physical computers, one running Windows 10, another one Windows 7. My first installation that works fine was under Windows 7 in a virtual machine. For all the procedure was as I wrote. Solved compatibility issue and, after that, installed it without problem. As you said that Windows 7 compatibility troubleshooter does not accept msi files indicates for me that you need to solve this first, I believe. Not an OPC issue but a Windows 7 issue.

Do you look this way? As you have mentioned, the Windows 7 compatibility troubleshooter does not accept msi files – how did you manage to use it with the msi file? I am not able to find a way to use the troubleshooter for the msi file. I think I was not clear in my answer. I feel sorry about that and apologize my English limitation. I tried to say that the problem seems to be a Windows 7 problem. You can see some pages that try to help solve Windows Installer problems.

Another way I use to solve problems like this is to create a virtual machine in my computer and using a Windows clean installation I test the installer package or software. If I succeed, I know that the problem is with my computer environment.

After testing, I delete the virtual machine due a license issue. Thanks for your prompt response Carlos and appreciate all your help! I will try and see if I can find a way to use the troubleshooter in Windows 7 and fix the issue. Unfortunately, I can’t clean up the machine where I want to install this to, but I can try running it on a virtual machine first.

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Minimum search word length is 3 characters – maximum search word length is 84 characters. Login name. Appreciate any advice. Thanks, Nitin. Have you installed. NET 2. Thanks for your comment. Thanks again. Hope it will help you, Carlos H M Bomfim. Hope it helps you, Carlos Bomfim. Thanks for your help! Best wishes, Nitin. Hope it helps, Carlos Bomfim. Thanks again! Most Users Ever Online: Currently Online: Guest s Currently Browsing this Page: 1 Guest s. Top Posters:.

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The function accepts two parameters the first representing the new value and the second the handle of the item. I create an Asynchronous connection to my trigger and a synchronous connection to my data. Microsoft PowerToys 0. Inversely when set to True a method will be raised every time the value changes based on DeadBand and UpdateRate. Then code is added to OPCdataChanged to grab and record process data and reset the trigger flag. Additional titles containing opc da automation wrapper 2. There are no license limitation for this product.


Opc da automation wrapper 2.02 download.OPC DA Auto 2.02 Specification

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