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Asus eee pc 900 ubuntu download

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This will speed your boot time a bit and get rid of some annoying background daemons. The latter mode would display only vertical pixels at a time, but as the pointer approached the top or bottom of the screen the display content would shift the “hidden” pixels into view to better display certain websites. I prefer to see what’s going on with my machine rather than have the boot messages hidden behind the splash bitmap. Users must reconfigure their xorg.

EeePC/Fixes – Community Help Wiki – About Canonical


Your submission was sent successfully! The Eee PC, has a slim, lightweight, compact design with stunning graphics and sound quality. The Eee PC with Ubuntu is ideal for consumers and businesses; the hardware is sleek and lightweight and energy efficient while Ubuntu is safe, intuitive and stable. Ubuntu includes a complete office suite making it easy to create documents, spreadsheets and presentations and share them with Microsoft Windows users. We expect the slim form factor and great design of Eee PC, combined with the great performance delivered with Ubuntu, to produce a real performer in the marketplace.

To fulfil the various needs of a diverse market and user base, the strategic alliance with Ubuntu is absolutely a win-win cooperation. Many more models will be made available throughout the year.

Canonical provides engineering, online and professional services to Ubuntu partners and customers worldwide. As the company behind the Ubuntu project, Canonical is committed to the production and support of Ubuntu — an ever-popular and fast-growing open-source operating system. It aims to ensure Ubuntu is available to every organisation and individual on servers, desktops, laptops and netbooks. Canonical partners with computer hardware manufacturers to certify Ubuntu, provides migration, deployment, support and training services to businesses, and offers online services direct to end users.

Canonical also builds and maintains collaborative, open source development tools to ensure that organisations and individuals can participate fully in innovations within the open-source community. For more information, please visit www.

Learn how the Ubuntu desktop operating system powers millions of PCs and laptops around the world. Looking for a way to improve the performance and reliability of your online shopping and payment systems during the holiday season?

Look no further than As we enter the holiday season, online shopping and payment systems are gearing up for higher traffic and workloads. Ensuring that these applications can Ubuntu desktop Learn how the Ubuntu desktop operating system powers millions of PCs and laptops around the world.

I agree to receive information about Canonical’s products and services. Subscribe now You will begin receiving emails as new content is posted. You may unsubscribe any time by clicking the link in the email. See for yourself: the benefits of chiselled Ubuntu images in action with an ASP. NET shop demo Looking for a way to improve the performance and reliability of your online shopping and payment systems during the holiday season?

Chiselled Ubuntu: the perfect present for your containerised and cloud applications As we enter the holiday season, online shopping and payment systems are gearing up for higher traffic and workloads. Snapcrafters: wrap-up This article was written by Merlijn Sebrechts and Dani Llewellyn from the Snapcrafters community.


Asus eee pc 900 ubuntu download

I have an old ASUS eee pc that I’m trying to install linux on. I can’t for the life of me get it to boot from USB port. replace.me › questions › can-i-install-ubuntu-on-eeepc


A step by step guide to installing Ubuntu Hardy Heron on your Eee PC – Simple Help


The external monitor will be fine but the LCD display bottom will be cut off. You may need to use the xrandr command to tweak the X rotate and resize extension. VGA is the external device. If you have no device connected, you will not get a listing of VGA modes. If you are getting no external video, you may need to manually set the output mode. The xrandr man page describes the options.

For example, to set the output mode to x Update Your Package Repository : Once you get the machine on the internet, you should update your application package repository with a list of the latest security patches and repository updates. This may take a few minutes. External Mouse : The touchpad on this machine is a bit difficult to use because of the small size of the machine and the unusually stiff mouse buttons.

If you are going to be using this machine for an extended period of time in a fixed place, you should seriously consider getting an external USB mouse. They are truly plug-n-play since the X windows system automaticallly detects and enables them. Low Speaker Volume : The speakers in this machine are not very powerful, but you will need to use the alsamixer or some other ALSA-enabled mixer program to set the volume so that audio is at least audible.

There is no volume knob anywhere on the machine. Type “alsamixer” at a terminal to start alsamixer with curses interface. Use the arrow keys to adjust the controls. Poweroff Problem : When powering off Ubuntu, this machine does not actually halt, but seems to stay in standby mode with the blue power light staying on. Not sure why this causes the poweroff to hang, but it works. Flash Player : The Adobe Flash Player is pretty much essential for anything other than the most cursory web browsing nowadays.

Firefox can handle the download and installation of the Flash player by itself. When navigating to a website with a Flash object, it will ask you if you want to install the plugin. Turning off Unnecessary Services : By default Ubuntu turns on a number of services at boot time that you may not need.

Disabling unneeded services increases system security and decreases boot time. You can change a prefix from an ‘S’ to a ‘K’ to disable a service. Laptop Mode Disk Spindown Problem : The kernel provides a feature called “laptop mode” that groups disk writes and spaces them chronologically so that the hard drive can spin down periodically and reduce the use of battery power. There is a bug with some drives where the SMART Self-Monitoring, Analysis and Reporting Technology settings are too aggressive, causing the drive to spin down and park too quickly, resulting in unnecessary additional disk cycles up to a day that reduce drive life.

I’m not sure if this particular machine is affected, but I chose to just disable laptop-mode by turning off the service S99laptop-mode that enables it Removing Splash Screen. I prefer to see what’s going on with my machine rather than have the boot messages hidden behind the splash bitmap. Then, as superuser run the update-grub command to update the grub binary from the changed configuration file. Disable it by changing the S to a K:. After these changes, on boot you will see the system startup messages and then be greeted with a console login prompt.

After logging in, you can use the startx command to start the graphical desktop. Removing the Desktop : If you’re hard core command line and don’t want the clutter and delay of the Ubuntu desktop, you might consider getting rid of the desktop altogether and just using a window manager to manage xterms and X applications started from the xterms. This will speed your boot time a bit and get rid of some annoying background daemons.

It comes in the motif-clients package. Do not use the alternative lesstif package, which lacks some features. Create a. This creates a single terminal window, puts a clock window at the bottom of the screen, sets the “desktop” color to blue and starts the window manager. When you type “startx”, from the text login, it will start an xterm, in which you type commands to start other programs.

Running lsmod showed that two wifi driver modules were loaded ath5k and ath9k. Doing rmmod ath5k restored normal operation, and adding the ath5k module to the blacklist as described above will make the removal stick across reboots. Madwifi Driver Recommended for Ubuntu 8. Depending on your BIOS version, you may need to have the wired network connected on boot to be recognized properly.

First remove startup for linux-restricted-modules-common because it causes conflicts with the madwifi drivers. This version of madwifi only gives intermittent WiFi for me – I get frequent brown-outs no data though connection stays up and connection failures. I don’t have the ability to host the file myself, is anyone already doing it?

You will certainly need the net I’ve also update my system today and now i have kernel 2. Before Ndiswrapper i have tried with all your madwifi version, with stable version on the project main site and with the trunk version from SVN but nothing was working for me.

I’m not very happy but i must say that the XP driver is working great. SiouxeS Same here, works great. As a matter of fact the ndiswrapper solution is the only one that seems to work in a stable and consistent manner on my 4g.

The other solutions above produced at best a connection that was intermittent. It used to drop and re-connect about once every minutes. Not practical if you listen to streamed content Ndiswrapper has worked without any hickups at least a week now.

Microphone The microphone does not work by default Bug Run: sudo alsactl restore Once the driver is working correctly, the ALSA mixer must be configured properly to use the microphone. It might be worth trying although these answers need to be confirmed Wireless Hotkey Hotkeys Shutdown Sometimes the EeePC does not turn off when set to shutdown. This is due to a module not being removed and the sound subsystem remaining active Bug Usually the monitor will communicate with the card and adjust everything accordingly so connection is plug-and-play.

If the monitor resolution is greater than the LCD, the automatic adjustment may expand the resolution beyond the height of the LCD display. The external monitor will be fine but the LCD display bottom will be cut off. You may need to use the xrandr command to tweak the X rotate and resize extension. VGA is the external device. If you have no device connected, you will not get a listing of VGA modes. If you are getting no external video, you may need to manually set the output mode. The xrandr man page describes the options.

For example, to set the output mode to x Low Speaker Volume : The speakers in this machine are not very powerful, but you will need to use the alsamixer or some other ALSA-enabled mixer program to set the volume so that audio is at least audible. There is no volume knob anywhere on the machine. Type “alsamixer” at a terminal to start alsamixer with curses interface. Use the arrow keys to adjust the controls.

System Simplification Ubuntu has bloated significantly over the years, which not only makes the system more confusing to use, but reduces response time with this system’s weak CPU. The following are some simplification tweaks that gets rid of some of the bloat and makes it easier to see what your computer is doing. Text Login : I prefer to see what’s going on with my machine rather than have the boot messages hidden behind the splash bitmap just in case there’s a boot problem which used to happen alot.

This can be configured in the boot loader GRUB. After the text mode login, you can start the X window system with the command, “startx”. Removing the Desktop : If you’re hard core command line and don’t want the clutter and delay of the Ubuntu desktop, you might consider getting rid of the desktop altogether and just using a window manager to manage xterms and X applications.

This will speed your boot time a bit and get rid of some annoying background daemons. I use IceWM , which can be installed with “sudo apt-get install icewm”. Flash Drive in fstab : If you get rid of the desktop, you will also lose your automount daemon and pluggin in a flash drive won’t automatically mount it.

For wireless connections wlan0 a similar entry can be used, and if you regularly connect to a specific network, that ESSID can be configured as well:. Because there are so many steps, I put the commands in a script listed below.

Ubuntu has been getting quite bloated for awhile and there are a number of services I shut down or uninstalled to avoid overhead, improve security and free disk space. If you don’t use this, remove the package:. This sporadically runs update-apt-xapian-index and also tanks system response at unexpected and undesirable times. You can make it go away by removing the package:. If you monitor your network at interface start, you will see it sending messages to daisy.