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July 4. The exhibit from the manufacturing concerns was satisfactory, the sue- pensions that occurred being ewer than the reported in and also well below both Borden, standing on the upper deck, waved his hand in acknowl- edgement of the salute of the Lord Mayor, Sir Frank Wills, Who was on the quay in his official robes. Speeches of welcome were delivered in the lounge room of the Royal George and Mr.
Bor- den made a reply in carefully measured tones. Impressive was the feeling way in which more than once he used the phrase “Motherland. I trust that we have in the past given and may in the future Klve every possible evidence of our de- sire to make not only the ties of al- legiance, but the ties of commercial in- windows 10 1703 download iso itar tasseled as well, stronger. Donald Mi-Master and a large party of Canadians. The colonial ofli. The party proceeded to the Savoy hotel. Right Hon.
The announcement certainly did not come from any of the Canadian windows 10 1703 download iso itar tasseled. Such a matter, he added, would not even be discussed with the British admiralty. Tonight’s newspapers gave greai prominence to Mr. Borden’s arrival. Photographs of himself and his col- leagues are plentiful. The Royal Col- onial Institute has invited a dis- tinguished company tor Wednesday, when it dines him.
Pnherty, at pre- sent in London, there is every prospect of the marriage refer, ence case proceeding before the Privy Council and being finally disposed of during the course 64 download windows 10 iso bits the present month.
All the counsel oonnected with the case are already in England with the exception of P. Mlg- nault, who will leave for Lon- don at once. Proctor had been windows 10 1703 download iso itar tasseled since her divorce last December. The dead are:. Proctor, aired about 40; Ada Proctor, divorced wife, aged 28; Nellie Proctor, daughter, 11; Ever- ett Proctor, son, 9.
Mother and son were asleep In the mother’s room and It is believed the crazed father killed them while they slept. The daughter fled from the room into that rented by the father, where he later sent a bullet through her brain and took his own life.
Prootor wm ;, poo slghter with all I And secured ». I— Finch A Finch Aihl. II — Real Katnte Advta. II— Marine. II windows 10 1703 download iso itar tasseled Fourth of Jury at Goidstream. Augustus Joseph Brabant, which occurred at three o’clock’ yesterday morning at St. Jo- ph’a hospital, the province of British Columbia loses one of the most devot- ed missionary download 2016 crack – download microsoft powerpoint 2016 crack who ever set foot on Western soil.
Born in Courtray, West Flanders, sixty-seven years ago. Inin compliance with the wishes of Bishop Seghers, he establish- ed the mission at Hesquoit, windows 10 1703 download iso itar tasseled the west coast of- Vancouver Island, with which his name will always be identi- fied.
He remained there for thirty-four years, travelling about from one tribe to another, familiarizing himself with their daily lives and habits. The story of his voyage in the little training schooner Surprise to found the mission at Hesrjuoit, of his perilous trips in the open Pacific ln Indian can- oes, of hs tramps over unbiased trails and missions to the various tribes, some of which received him with bless-‘ lugs and some with curses, is an Inter- esting one that of his life at Hesquoit, teaching the way of the Cross and the w,v “f tl’e white man to the Indian is more interesting.
It was on the sloop Thornton, which In after years was s. Building of Mission It was from the cargo of a. Tho wreck wu found, broken, on the beach. The cup- tain’s wife, burled by the Indians, had been crashed between the heavy tim- bers Of the deck load, and wo little boys and the Chinese cook, had been washed overboard. The wrecked hark was found useful by the missionary. It had been Intended to piii up a church of 60 feet by 26 feet, bttt all the lumber the priest needed was obtainable, and work was begun soon after landing.
Ссылка was not pleasant, this work. First a email shed was built, and here all were housed. Father Rondeault and Noel Le- clairr. Many of the vic- tims were holiday excursionists. Engineer Schroeder had taken No. It was a few minutes late. The stretch or track from. Elmira to Corning is fitted for fast running, and he was продолжить чтение his train along at sixty-five miles an hour.
He had no warning until he made out the outline of the rear coach through the fog, and then he threw on the reverse without shutting off steam. The jerk threw the train off the track, and the locomotive plunged on to splint- er the two day coaches filled with ex- cursionists and tear through the last of the Pullmans. Schroeder said the impact threw him from the cab and land. The engine continued its plunge through the middle of the train, grinding everything in its path.
Finally, blocked by the de- bris, it remained on the roadbed in the midst of the desolation It had caused, while hundreds of persons rushed in every kind of vehicle to the scene to lift the dead and Injured from the tangled mass of wreckage. Failed to Sea Signals Schroeder, in telling his story, said he failed to see signals set against his train. The morning was foggy, and he said he could net make them out.
The wrecked train stood on the main track, blocked by a crippled freight train. There was no flag out, according to Schroeder. The signals which he de- clared It was too foggy to see were just around a curve. The flying express plunged past them and crashed into the rear of No. Among the identified dead are Mr. Brandeis, of New York City, who were married yesterday, and were on their wedding ttrp.
Mexico, Jnly 4. The rebels, who had occu- pied the city for nearly five months aa their capital and base of operations, ffvarnatsrl It fnnlfhit In the привожу ссылку of s San. Qnt, July 4. It does n”t often happen that tho government is called upon to unseat a ruler, but It has been done in this in- stance, and one Baptist Logan becomes a common man.
The’ owner of this ap- pellation was big chief of the. Okanagan Lake band of Indians. Chief Logan be- came addicted to intemperate use of the white man’s fire water.
Under the In- dian Act, an Indian chief can be deposed for Intemperance, incompetence or im- morality.
The men are asking windows 10 1703 download iso itar tasseled an increase of from BO to 5, r cents per hour. The strike will tie up all the building opera- tions. Fos- ter, W. Campbell presiding. Skinner, Sir G. Sir Max Aiken, Sir D. Morris, Sir W. Mackenzie, Bonar Law and Cv template download 2021 – cv template download 2021 Lansdowne. In proposing Mr. Foster’s health, Lord Lansdowne uttered a wish that Sir John Macdonald could return and see the pro- gress of Canada since the days of his premiership.
Speaking of Lord Lansdowne’s period of governor generalship, Mr.
Windows 10 1703 download iso itar tasseled
Impressive was the feeling way in which more than once he used the phrase “Motherland. The public will await with interest t o- report, of the next адрес.❿
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